
It’s About Living, Learning and Sharing
– The Spirit of Optimism Flourishes

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that spots for what is beautiful and bright in everything. It is a mindset that sees the benefit in everything and trusts that all will be well; whatever  happened was good, whatever is happening is better and whatever is going to happen will be the best.

Positive thinkers transcend, grow and flow. Sky’s the limit for them.

Thoughts created are expressions of core qualities of what make life great. Learning how to direct the mind to something more profound is a practice that all can do. Just visualize how wonderful this world would be if each one of us collectively creates thoughts based on peace, purity and love. It is natural for every soul to quest what’s innate and original. Amidst diversity, this is similar to each one of us regardless of age, gender, color, race, and creed.

As you marvel through life to contribute fragrance from within, the natural rhythm of living, learning and sharing streams all over the world.


Life presents variety of shapes, colors, textures, and dimensions. It is when one sees what is beautiful in a myriad of things whether minute or vast, and then the flow of positive energy flourishes.


It is about discovering and learning from life. It is when one learns and relearns that the spirit of optimism prospers. Learning denotes positive changes.


Untold treasures and then shared cultivate seeds of glow; when we share, we give out what’s lovely and sweet and this makes us full. Sharing is an indication of prosperity. Sharing is growing.


Explore and experience what it takes to be positive no matter how gloomy and grimy the world around us. Read these motivating and eye opener substances. Let the words turn into feelings and experiment with what you have read from this site. Remember that the treasures are all intrinsic but when we journey together we become part of a delightful circle. It can make this world a happier place to live in.

Make a difference!

17 thoughts on “Optimism

  1. Optimism, hope and positive thinking are the pillars on which life flourishes. The art of living every moment as if it was the last and experiencing life to its full is what is needed today.


    1. Thank you! When we stay positive that we can help this world a happier place to live in. You’re right when you said that change in outlook can make the difference. Keep up your positive vibes!


  2. I am a what they call a “worrier,” and I was a lot worst when I was younger. It is only when I reached my 30s that I learned how to think positively and that’s when the good things started to happen. Sure, bad things still happen, but now I don’t dwell on them. This is such an inspirational post.


    1. Surely, great things start to unfold in front of positive thinkers like you! Good thing, you have come out from being a ‘worrier’ into someone who carries positive energy in our planet. Thanks Marge!


  3. This is really good for my spirit exactly what I need to read before heading out the door. We all know this but sometimes we need to be reminded. I do tell my friends always think of what you want rather than what you don’t want. Positive mindset! Thanks!


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